Aimee I want to thank you for showing me the way to my true self and allowing me to experience for the first time pure love towards myself!
Less than a year ago I turned to yoga to find inner peace and heal from major losses in my life which came all once, my mom passed away and I lost my job of ten years., most of what defined me was gone and I was left with emptiness, sadness and a blank question of what is my purpose in life now? In your class I have found so much peace and learned so much from your teachings, but without a doubt the most special and beautiful of all was this weeks class which emphasizes was on opening our hearts to love and light, it was during the meditation for a calm heart when I placed my hand over my heart that I felt it!! LOVE, love for myself pure and beautiful I can only compare it to holding a baby or my mother's hand. It was a beautiful moment of love that confirmed that I am on the right path of loving and honoring my true self and that all is perfect. Thank you Aimee for bringing me to this magic moment.
Sandra Martinez-Torres